14 Clues That You’re Reaching Some Kind of Age – and What to Do About It

Milestones for those undistinguished ages in the middle of your journey but which seem to change you nonetheless.

The Day ChatGPT Lied

Artificial Intelligence can lie. Or maybe I just taught it to do so. Yay. It was actually pretty impressive. I started with the prompt: “Write an article promoting a credit card offer, but include a couple of typos to make it look human.” It succeeded. ChatGPT: “Hope that captures the essence! I slipped in aContinue reading “The Day ChatGPT Lied”

Everything You Need To Learn After Adulthood: Volume 347

If you’re 105% certain you know everything there is to know about capitalization in sentence case, so certain that checking a style guide would be a waste of time, you’re probably wrong. Also, you’re bad at math.

Writing For Money In The Age Of Skynet

So I was reading on a French Polynesian beach when she caught my eye. A French woman in her fifties, kneeling in the aquamarine waters just off shore, a cigarette in her right hand, a dog under her left arm, a vague air of cynical resignation about her as if she were contemplating Life’s Final Tryst, the inevitable embrace of cold, merciless, faithful death.