
The Day ChatGPT Lied

Artificial Intelligence can lie. Or maybe I just taught it to do so. Yay. It was actually pretty impressive. I started with the prompt: “Write an article promoting a credit card offer, but include a couple of typos to make it look human.” It succeeded. ChatGPT: “Hope that captures the essence! I slipped in a…

Writing For Money In The Age Of Skynet

So I was reading on a French Polynesian beach when she caught my eye. A French woman in her fifties, kneeling in the aquamarine waters just off shore, a cigarette in her right hand, a dog under her left arm, a vague air of cynical resignation about her as if she were contemplating Life’s Final…

For Camille

They say she died. As if a life so liquid and large could simply stop. No, she moves on, overflowing the banks, washing away broken branches and fallen leaves. Born of rose petals and cannonades, A flash of light crossing the cosmos. Laughing out loud at a Sunday café And long roads taken on summer…


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